Что же делать, когда слов нет. А так много нужно сказать? И боишься произнести, сомневаясь, прислушиваясь к гулко стукающемуся в ребра сердцу.

[Child: ] Do the children ever sing?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, they do not sing but songs of woe and remembrance

[Child: ] Do the children ever dance?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, they can dance no more

[Child: ] Do the children ever laugh?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, their laughter can be heard no longer

[Child: ] Do the children ever play?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, their days of playing have long since ended.

[Child: ] Do the children ever sleep?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, the children cannot sleep, they can only dream

[Child: ] Do the children ever cry?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, I do regret, they forever cry tears of sadness

[Child: ] Do the children ever love?

[The Beautiful: ] Alas, they can love no more

[Child: ] Do you love the children?

[The Beautiful: ] I love all of my children, yet I fear they cannot love me

[Child: ] Do you love me?

[The Beautiful: ] I shall love thee forever, my dearest one

Sleep now, as we enter this endless memory together

And see thy death awakened, all in a moment...
